
neogeographica.com is a home for possibly-interesting-or-useful things I've made or collected that are related to Quake, Quake 3, and Quake Live. If those games don't float your boat then you won't find much of interest. Otherwise please use the tabs above to reach the main sections of the site!

"Wanted" posters

Some old Quake-related content seems to have managed to completely drop off of the internet. If you happen to be able to get your hands on any of the following things, let me know (contact info at bottom of page):

The Ruins of Oehm (oehm.pk3) : An early custom Q3 map that was popular on some ProMode servers. It vanished when all those Quake-era game-files websites died off.
ClanRing T3 Demos : Any demo from a game marked as "no demo" in this readme file would be a good find.
Ramshackle : A formative review site for Quake DM maps. I'm looking for a complete site archive — existing archives are missing lots of pages and/or pictures.

Last few site changes

An overview of what's been going on around here. Note that for projects hosted on GitHub that have tagged releases, I won't necessarily update the list below for every minor release... you can follow the releases on GitHub if you're interested.

Dec 22 2023 : A couple of quick notes. First, I've stopped updating Quakestarter. Several reasons, w.r.t. my schedule as well as changes in the ecosystem of Quake sites and tools that make Quakestarter both more difficult to update as well as less useful/necessary, which is not a motivating combination! Second, I did update the Linux Desktop Integration to add a Firefox version of the browser extension.
Jun 30 2023 : Linux Desktop Integration bumped again. Some minor bugfixes, but the main thing is (as referenced below) moving the browser extension to the new "manifest v3" framework that Chrome wants everyone to use.
Feb 16 2023 : A new version tagged for the Linux Desktop Integration. Mainly about storing the config file in an XDG-compliant way, but also some prep work for an upcoming change in the browser extension that will be required by Chrome. See the release notes for details.
Aug 08 2022 : Another month, another version of the Quake Singleplayer Starter Pack. The big new addition is an autoupdater, which lets us do more timely Quakestarter updates in the future. More stuff in here too though! As usual the changelog has the details.
Jul 17 2022 : A couple of notable updates recently for both the Linux Desktop Integration and also the Quake Singleplayer Starter Pack. See the release notes for details on the Linux stuff. For Quakestarter, the main change is using vkQuake+Ironwail as the bundled engines.
Apr 23 2022 : Well let's keep the updates coming for the Quake Singleplayer Starter Pack, which is now at version 3! The main things in this version are a much nicer HTML-ized presentation for the docs, and a feature for opening Quaddicted review pages. See the changelog for complete details.
Mar 23 2022 : First update in a while for the Quake Singleplayer Starter Pack! Several new installables added from the last year of releases. A few other changes to chew on too, like Ironwail support and better handling for when AD and Copper release new versions.
Mar 16 2021 : Various changes to "download links" presentation. Besides cosmetic changes, I've added informative links too, but I think the only truly new things (i.e. not previously available elsewhere) are the map sources for jlctf1 and for my portion of m3amap1.
Mar 10 2021 : First update to the Attic in a while... I've captured a copy of a 1999 PlanetQuake interview that has some good behind-the-scenes anecdotes about our old Quake server kitty1.stanford.edu.