Back when HPBs still roamed the Earth, foraging in the jungles of ftp.cdrom.com and uttering their plaintive cry of "laaaaag", I ruthlessly abused the advantage of a T3 network connection as one of the members of Clan 9 From Outer Space. I was also the main admin for our busy west-coast Quake servers at kitty1.stanford.edu ("The Mothership") — later a Quake 3 server host as well.
This section of the site was originally just a nostalgia dump for things from that time period that I found while shaking out old hard drives and poking through archives of old websites. If you were a regular player at kitty1 in the late 90s or early 2000s, or just someone who was deep into the online Quake community, you might get something out of that too.
I've also begun to use this section as a lifeboat for some other potentially interesting info, items stranded by more recent implosions of websites/platforms. Just for fun — and again, nostalgia — I've tried to preserve the original theming of those pages. Pretty easy for an old Planet Quake page; pretty difficult for a modern website! We'll see if I can keep that up.