What can I say... ahnuld truly loves his work. :-) Although he
about had an aneurysm getting Blue to post anything about QSmack,
heh. QSmack really is a slick tool, the best NQ server admin tool
out there by a long long shot, and we got a lot of mileage out
of it; I guess that says something though about a large part of
the Quake player population. :-( We've gotten a little bit of
flack from banned players over the years, but I can't remember
a single case where they had a leg to stand on. (It helped that
QSmack logged all the chat and admin actions, so we could see
what *really* happened when someone got banned.) And I think that the lamer-elimination is another reason we
continued to have a good crowd of the type of player that you
*do* want on your server, long after most other Quake servers
started to empty out. On kitty1 you had to stay in line or hit
the road, and you could never tell when an admin might be monitoring
the server with QSmack.
In-game lamers
aren't the only problems, of course. We've also had people try
to ping flood kitty1, run other denial-of-service attacks, or
use our servers to mount attacks on particular IP numbers or entire
ISPs. The "Men In Black" at Stanford Networking have been cool
in helping us out with these problems, as has our group's top-level
net admin. Cool in a sort of scary way, actually... after the
worst of these problems, our net admin passed along an email he
had received from Stanford Networking that basically said only
this: "The offender has been located and dealt with." I prefer
to believe that just means that his ISP account got suspended
or something; hopefully nothing more drastic than that. :-)
Yes, I'm glad they're on our side. It wasn't always clear that
they would be. Stanford is connected to the internet just like
anybody else. They pay a monthly bill just like you and me although
it's probably a little larger. :-) Stanford's payment scheme is
based on levels of traffic. There are arbitrary levels of traffic
that denote a certain cost and if Stanford goes over that amount,
their bill is significantly higher. Anyway, the people over at
networking noticed all this weird traffic to one machine and wondered
what it was. Our top-level admin explained to the brass what was
going on and they warned that if campus traffic ever came close
to the next higher level, they would have to shut us down because
we were such a large single source of traffic. Thank God it never
came to that. I really have to thank our top-level admin for looking
out for us.
Any other interesting things to tell us about kitty1?
Yes, actually. We didn't realize how popular kitty1 had become
until we had two independent visits from different parts of the
country by kitty1 disciples. I interacted with one and lemurboy
with the other...
Hrmm. Well, there was this one player who we'd seen around our
server a few times who suddenly started sending me email; he had
managed to swing getting sent to a debate camp at Stanford and
now he was trying to arrange clandestine visits to our Quake Lab
so he could play on kitty1 with a micro-ping. It was a little
bit of a bother because generally the building would be locked
up on the weekends or after hours, and one of us would have to
let him in, but since he was going to all the trouble of skipping
seminars and evading the Debate Camp Curfew Police, we helped
him out. :-) He implied (if I'm remembering correctly) that kitty1
access was the motivating factor in him going to debate camp,
but he may have just been blowing smoke there.
I think my story is even funnier. One day I was happily working
in my office when I was interrupted by someone else in the building
who was escorting these two young looking guys who were interested
in kitty1. Who were these people? I had no idea, but the person
who led them to me clearly wanted no part of this so they were
dumped on me. It turns that these two guys (I'll call them Tom
and Jerry to protect the guilty) were from Iowa on a college visiting
trip with Tom's mom and they wanted to see kitty1. How did they
find kitty1?
Well, anyone
with a little UNIX savvy can look up some information on kitty1
and determine exactly what building it's located in and who is
supposed to administer it. Tom and Jerry had done this and located
our building on a campus map and then just started roaming the
halls asking everyone and anyone if they knew the person who was
listed as the administrator. Eventually someone did and that led
to me.
I needed
a break from work and these guys clearly had made a big effort
to get here, so what the hell, let's go play Quake! I led them
downstairs and showed them the room where we kept kitty1. They
asked if they could play and I said sure. It was then that I realized
how serious Tom and Jerry were. Each quickly produced a 3 1/2
floppy with their configs. These guys from Iowa were prepared!
We started
playing and Tom and Jerry couldn't contain their excitement. All
their buds were also on the server and Tom and Jerry just kept
typing talk messages that said, "Look at my ping!" over and over
again. I don't think they got one frag the entire 2 hours they
were playing.
Now things
get interesting.
After said
2 hours, there is a knock on the lab door and in walks Tom's mom.
Tom's mom is crying. She starts shouting at Tom and Jerry:
"Where the
hell have you two been? You said you'd be back in 5 minutes and
that was 2 hours ago! I've been sitting in the car, in
the parking lot, with the engine running, for 2 hours?
Is how you treat people? I bring you all the way across the country
to visit colleges and you are playing Quake!!!! I swear to God,
no more Quake for either of you!"
Tears are
streaming down her face and her voice is getting more and more
strained. Remember that it's just Tom, Jerry and me in this room
and I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable. Tom and Jerry were
nonplussed and continued playing and talking as if Tom's mom wasn't
there. Was everyone that big a dick when they were 18? Wow.
At this point,
she storms out of the room and slams the door. After about 10
seconds of silence and no movement, I say, "Hey fellas, don't
you think you should pack it up and head out with your mom?" Tom
responds, "Oh, don't worry about it, she gets like that all the
time." I'm thinkin', "No shit stupid, because you're driving her
crazy." I finally convinced them to leave and hopefully prevent
Tom's mother from blowing a gasket.
From what
I could tell from talking to Tom and Jerry, they were visiting
colleges in the Bay Area, but neither had any desire (or chance)
to attend Stanford. Their whole visit to campus was a ruse to
get to kitty1! I can just see the conversation in Iowa prior to
the visit. What parent is going to tell their kid that they *can't*
visit Stanford University?
I'm surprised that ahnuld didn't mention another visit we had...
although I admit that other one is funnier. :-) The first time
I ever met an "online acquaintance" face-to-face -- probably the
first time for any of us, actually -- was when xris told B2, Thresh,
and Thresh's brother Cross to come test drive our Quake Lab. I
admit I thought it felt a little strange to be inviting these
people over after "meeting" them in Quake, so I just said hi,
did some small talk, and went back to work. ahnuld was eating
it up though; I think he was in there the whole time looking over
Thresh's shoulder and asking annoying questions. :-) This was
back when that gang were HPBs (Thresh used to ride his modem over
to kitty1 and thrash us sucky LPBs quite regularly), so most of
the talk I heard was about how tough it was to try to get used
to no lag...
