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QSmack Frontend with a Double-Click: Method 2

So you don't want to (or can't) just download the files?

To make the changes yourself, you need to have and know how to use ResEdit. If you don't, please don't ask us about this; just use the other method instead.

  • Change the creator type of qsmack.tcl to be "WIsH". (Yes, that's the correct capitalization.)
  • Add a TEXT resource to your Wish application and name it "tclshrc". The contents of this resource should be:
    proc tkOpenDocument args {
        foreach file $args {
            uplevel #0 source \"$file\"
  • Quit out of ResEdit, saving your changes to both files.

Now double-clicking on qsmack.tcl should launch the QSmack frontend.

This page is part of an archive of the original QSmack website.
Most external links and a few download links don't work anymore.
To exit this archive, use the top/side navbars or return to the QSmack page.